
Friday, June 29, 2012


Where in blazes did I put my car keys? Most of us have asked that question at one time or another. And most of us have wondered if such forgetfulness is a sign that we're on the slippery slope to Alzheimer's Disease. Even if you do find them in the refrigerator, that doesn't necessarily equal an indicator. But if you forget what the car keys are used for--that is reason to worry.
One of the most frightening diseases in the world--and for good reason--is A.D. It is increasing at an alarming rate. The costs of dealing with it are enormous. We don't yet know what causes it, let alone be on the verge of finding a cure. However, there are practices you can perform that may slow its advance. Exercise is one. Walking, jogging, sports, anything that keeps your blood flowing briskly to the brain. Reading, crossword and other puzzles, social activities, these are excellent methods of keeping your brain stimulated.
While there is no cure in sight, your doctor can prescribe drugs that may slow its advance.
Scientists the world over are studying the disease, looking for a cure or its cause. Right here in London at the Robarts Research Institute, scientists are already making progress in finding the cause. Once the cause can be established, a cure is much more likely. Robarts has a giant "scanner" made specifically to enble scientists to look into the brain as never before. At one time, the only true assessment of the disease was made after death when the brain of a patient could be examined. The scanner provides images of the brain that enables scientists to provide an accurate assessment.
This enables pharmaceutical firms to produce trial treatments that can be assessed within six month.
For more information on A.D. click on Alzheimers Society of London & Middlesex